Beauty Life Tag

The lovely Ashleigh has created a beauty tag so I thought I would join in. :)

How long does it take to apply your make-up?

On a day-to-day morning basis it takes roughly around 30-45 minutes. If I had ages to be somewhere I'd take more time so I could perfect everything.

What made you get into beauty?

I started wearing make-up at around 15, even though I was probably wearing it wrong, aha... But ever since then I've been using make-up and can't go out without it. Since I've started blogging and using YouTube I've got more into beauty and make-up.

What is the most amount of money you have spent on a beauty product?

I don't buy that many high-end products but my Porefessional would be the most expensive beauty product at £24.50.

One product you can't live without?

Definitely foundation, I hate my skin and foundation gives me more confidence.

Favourite overall brand?

This is tough because I have a few! Lately it has definitely been MAC as their products are amazing and I've been using them near enough every day.

Would you rather wear the wrong foundation shade or have lipstick on your teeth?

Lipstick on my teeth. I'd hate to wear the wrong foundation shade because being orange is a big no no!

Do you take your make-up off properly or use a make-up wipe?

I take mine off properly with micellar solution, it feels so much better than with a wipe.

When applying a full face of make-up, what item could you do with out wearing?

For me it's bronzer as I'm not that into contouring mainly because I don't know how to do it.

Some beauty products on your wishlist.

Ooo, Naked 3 is definitely up there! As well as Bobbi Brown foundation, Sleek face pallet and MAC's Soft and Gentle highlighter.

Do you have make-up free days?

Very rarely. I share a house with my friends and I hate being bare faced, even on Sundays!

I tag: AbbieBecky, Zoe, Holly, Kady, Lucy. :)


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